And with this we end Chapter 3!

A few updates to discuss.

  1. We will be taking a brief hiatus during the month of October to catch up on some misc projects, We will also be attending The International 10 in Bucharest!
  2. We released a GAME DEMO! A few weeks ago I uploaded Chapter 1 of one of my other side projects “Odysseon” a dreary surreal RPG based on image generations from Ganbreeder. You can download it here! It’s pretty different from EOTW so don’t go in expecting something very similar, but please do give it a try.
  3. We got a puppy! Her name is Tatsu and she is a Beagle. So expect her to cause further delays in page uploads
  4. Chapter 4 will hopefully start sometime in early November, you can check our twitter profiles to keep up with future updates.
  5. Not necessarily an update but I’d figure I’d plug the Discord server again, you can join here!

That’s all for now, thanks for your continued support!

– Hawf